Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
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THE INVISIBLE CITY - Fragments of Roman Trieste

"From up here, you cannot see anything; there are people who say it's down below there, believe it or not... At night, if you put your ear to the ground, you can sometimes hear a door slamming." In 1972 Italo Calvino described thus one of his “Invisible Cities”. From that passage was born the idea of this documentary which attempts to recount Roman Trieste in a different way. Fragments of an invisible city, for the first time recomposed using virtual reality. This film was produced by the Press Office - Television Productions of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with the Civic Museum of History and Art of Trieste, together with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage.
produzione: Ufficio Stampa RAFVG
scarica il video | durata 46:57 | lingua italiano
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